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What is a Proxies and how can it can help you?

We all use the internet even for the smallest things. Have you ever wondered how searching the internet works? How results of things you search for on the internet takes less than a few seconds to reach you? Well, one reason to this is a Proxies Server.

Initially, when a user requests data on the internet on a particular web browser, the request passes through an intermediary to reach the particular website that contains the information. This intermediary is called a Proxies server. Once the request passes through the Proxies server, the server saves the request in its cache. This way, the next time you search for the same information, the data is retrieved directly from the Proxies server. This gives us an advantage of not going to the internet again for the particular data or resource

Just in case a particular response has not been cached previously or it is a first time search, the Proxies server sends the request to remote servers connecting it to all relevant servers. These servers search for the data on behalf of the client computer. Once the data is spotted, it is sent to the Proxies server by the remote servers and here it then caches this information.

 Using a Proxies server gives us a lot of advantages. The various purposes for using a Proxies server are listed below.

Security Proxies servers help in containing the anonymity of the client. When you search for something on the internet, you open your identity to the open internet world that is filled with the unimaginable dangers. When you use a Proxies server, it hides your IP address which is basically the sole identity to your system. The request for any search goes as a request from the Proxies server and not the client. This preserves the security of the user.

Faster ResultsWhen you use a Proxies server remember how it works. Only if it is a first time search or any failure in previous caching, the request goes to the internet to get results. Otherwise, the Proxies server caches everything you search for. As all the results of your previous requests are cached, your next search will be very fast as the result is already in the Proxies server.

GeoLocating usersHowever, to render this feature, the website has to know your IP address. And this is termed illegal in many countries. For this purpose, you can use a Proxies server. Proxies servers located in various parts of the world locate their nearest IP address even without the website tracing the IP address. This has helped in the accurate and successful implementation of the Geolocating feature.

Also, a user can use a blocked site from a particular country by using a local 1337X Proxies that is located in that country to access the website.

Block sitesMost of the public Wi-Fi, mainly in schools, colleges, offices and other similar institutions always have a few blacklisted or blocked websites. You cannot access them until the main server gives you the access which will never happen. Most of these sites are social media sites blocked for the most obvious reasons. This can be easily done by a Proxies server. It can restrict a particular site from coming through to the client server from the internet once it is blacklisted.

Bypass filtersThis is the opposite of the above feature. You can access a blocked site easily if you are using a Proxies server. You can switch from your institution or office Proxies server to an open Proxies server (which is definitely not very secure) as the filters are placed only on the particular Proxies server. You can do this by simply using a free Proxies server software.