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The Person That Hit Me Doesn’t Have Insurance: What Can I Do?

No one looks forward to being involved in a car accident, but you will be comfortable if you know the other motorist’s insurance firm might compensate you. Yet, what if the driver who hit you doesn’t have car insurance? Or what if you were hit by someone who can’t be identified?

In both situations, things can become more challenging, and that’s why you need to talk to Angell Law Firm discussing auto accident cases. Not only will you have peace of mind, but you will have more time to do other things as a professional injury attorney does all the work. Here are some things you need to do should you find yourself in a similar situation. 

What You Need to Do Immediately After an Uninsured Driver Hit You

It doesn’t matter how the car accident occurred with the uninsured motorist or what you intend to do. The first step will be getting evidence ASAP. The best thing about the process is that you can start immediately after the accident. 

Here are six things you need to do to have a strong case against the driver who hit you. 

After the Car Accident, Contact the Police 

In Georgia, you need to report the accident to law enforcement offices should you have injuries or the damage worth over $500. This applies to most car accidents. After the accident has happened, call the police and tell them you were involved in a car accident. 

There are instances where the other motorist may attempt to persuade you not to call the police or say they will cover the damages. It is common, especially when you are dealing with uninsured drivers. Why? Because they know they will be in serious trouble once you report the accident. Still, you need to put your needs first if you don’t want to lose your legal rights. Ensure you report the accident if you’re going to get the compensation you deserve. 

Capture Photos

If you believe the other driver doesn’t have insurance or is nervous or acting weird—you may have to take photos, videos, and the car. If the individual chooses to leave the scene in a hurry, you will have photo evidence. 

Share Crucial Information with Law Enforcement Officers

When the police arrive at the accident scene, you will have to give out personal information. So, it would be best if you had the information ready. You can exchange the information with the other driver. Having the info ready after a car accident will ensure that you are protected if the offender tries to evade responsibility. 


Reach Out to Your Car Insurance Company

After a car accident, you should report the case to your insurance firm, especially if the other party doesn’t have insurance. You will understand what your insurance will cover. 

Call an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer

If you have severe injuries that your car insurance doesn’t cover, you need to speak to a professional car accident attorney to weigh your options. You don’t have to pay for the errors of someone else’s negligence—even if the individual lacks insurance.

Seek Medical Attention

Ensure you visit a medical officer as soon as possible to get your injuries treated. It is crucial as you will have a record of obtaining medical treatment to show the insurance firm. Also, you will get treated early and prevent injuries from becoming worse.